Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What i Want Wednesday

This is one of those things that I just want. I have no idea why I want them or even what kind I want. Maybe it's my obsession with Urban Cowboy (do NOT try to out-qoute me on this will embarrass yourself lose), or maybe it's the fact that my dad went all "cowboy crazy" when I was growing up. That's another story for another post. 

 This post is to tell you that I want a pair of these.
As I said, I have no idea what kind, what color, or what style. 
 I don't know anything other than I really would like a pair of cowgirl boots of my very own.

I do have a few ideas of the kinds of boots I don't want.  Let's take a look, shall we?

I could go on and on here, but I think you get the idea.  You would not believe the boots I have seen, there really is something out there for everyone.  So why can I not find the one for me?  I want a pair of boots that will last forever in a classic style.  I know they don't come cheap and that's probably why I have never gotten serious about getting a pair; but my son is going to be an OSU Cowboy come Fall and I do believe it's time to bite the bullet.

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