Monday, December 29, 2008
Out With The Old...In With The New!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Talkin' Turkey
* 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves* 1 large orange* 3 star anises
Preheat the oven to 375º F.
Cut each sweet potato in half horizontally and then cut each half into 1/3 planks (about four slices per half depending on the size of the sweet potato). Lay the sweet potatoes in a single layer in one large or two medium baking dishes (two 13 x 9 dishes will do the job).
Mix the maple syrup, vegetable oil, cinnamon and cloves together in a small bowl. Peel off four large strips of zest from the orange. Cut the orange in half and squeeze the juice into the bowl with the maple syrup mixture. Pour this mixture evenly over the sweet potatoes, nestle in the strips of zest and the star anise. Bake for 45 minutes or until the sweet potatoes are soft and saturated.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Kupkakz...not Kool!
I took my daughter and some of her girls to this new place called Kupkakz, it's new in town and we thought it would be a fun place to go celebrate her 14th birthday. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and she said she had gotten one of their cupcakes and that it was dry. I figured it must have just been an off day for them and didn't give it much more thought. We go in around 2:00 on a Saturday afternoon. By this time, about half of their cupcake selection was out and they told us they would not be replenishing. A couple of the girls were bummed because they wanted the Pretty in Pink and that was one of the kinds they were out of. I also thought both workers were pretty rude, I guess rude isn't the word, just BLAH. I had a group of girls and we were obviously celebrating something and we didn't get ANY small talk from either employee. Not a "is it your birthday?" or "looks like you girls are out having fun", nothing. When one of the party goers was being dropped off, her mom came inside. She asked me if I had ever tried one of the cupcakes and I said no. She said, "I had one the other day and it was really dry, I am going to give them another try." All the girls got their orders and she and I got ours too. We sat down and started in. "How's yours?" she asked. "Dry", I said. "Mine too", she replied. Neither one of us finished our cupcake and my daughter threw half of hers away. She has quite the sweet tooth, so that was saying something. I doubt we will be visiting again anytime's not like they asked us back either! I think if they are charging $2.50 for a dry cupcake that is on the tiny side, they need to do some tweaking to their recipes and possibly think about some customer service training.
The trip to the mall afterwards was much more fun!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Long Time No "See"
I am working on my National Boards and I knew it was going to be a lot of work, so I can't claim ignorance. I thought I would wait until Drew was driving so I could at least just be a taxi for one. So, since he started driving last March, I applied for the scholarship to do NB. I wasn't really sure if I was ready, but I filled out the app and figured, if now is the right time, I will get it and if it isn't, I won't. Well, I got it. Hence the funfilled trip to Ardmore this summer for preparation. Well, even then I thought, I can totally do this. I am just feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff hanging over my head. I wasn't prepared for feeling guilty every time I do something fun because I should be at home researching, analyzing, reflecting, writing, etc... I have always had meetings to attend for work or booster clubs, you know, all that fun stuff. Now I get to add NB meetings to that, and there are several different groups that have meetings that I need to attend.
I could really go on and on, I guess I am venting! I would drink wine, but I have an early meeting in the morning...go figure! Oh, yeah, and one after school too. BUT, all that said, I could never be doing this without the help of my hubby. He is picking up the slack for me. I will be the first to admit, this cannot be an easy task. I am a FREAK about the house and the laundry. I am the person who cannot sit and enjoy a show if I look over and see dust on the coffee table. I don't mean like I am thinking "I'll dust after the show", I mean like I am seriously looking at the dust more than the show. I try to fight it because I know I will be made fun of around here for getting up and taking care of it. But, I always lose the battle. I will dust so I can relax. I guess you are thinking that my house must be a immaculate after reading that. Sad thing is, it sooooo isn't cause I really am the only one who sees those FREAKING SHOES THAT HAVE BEEN UNDER THE BARSTOOLS FOR LIKE EVER!!!!!!! Now I am one to look for the silver lining and here it is. Billy is starting to keep the house in such a way that I don't completely lose my mind. I mean, he is on it. Truth be told, he's probably scared of me. I can throw a heck of a fit and in case you can't tell, I am teetering on the verge of a full fledged temper tantrum!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Where On Earth Does the Time Go?
I don't really have any digital pics of them when they were much younger than this, honey that was before digital! Well hell, I guess it's been longer than I realize!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
This Really Happened...
Me: Hello
Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Cooking dinner, getting ready to take Hallie to tumbling.
Mom: Ok, well I am going to take Drew to get his ears pierced ok?
Me: No, that's not ok.
Mom: Why?
Me: Because I said no and he doesn't need his ears pierced.
Mom: I know he doesn't need it done but he wants it done. I am going to take him.
Me: No you are not, I am his mother and I said NO.
Mom: I am YOUR mother and I said YES.
Me: That is going a little far, if you take him I am going to be really pissed.
Mom: Well, give me a good reason not to take him.
Me: I said no.
Mom: That's not a good reason. You think of one and call me back.
Me: Ok mom, I have to go now but DO NOT take him to get his ears pierced.
Mom: Ok, bye.
In walks Drew and says "did you talk to Nana". I said, yes and the answer is NO.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The BIG Game

She is so lucky to have such a good group of friends. They are always up to something and always having fun. Even in an old stinky school bus!
Monday, September 1, 2008
4 Day Week
Monday, August 25, 2008
Who Woulda Thought...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Doritos for Dinner
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Day One Down
Monday, August 11, 2008
Bowling Bash
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Simple Tastes

I can spend a really long time preparing a great meal and my kids will complain about it for some reason. I can open a box of Hamburger Helper and they think I hung the moon. Bill will eat just about anything, as my dad says: "He makes a cook feel good." I will keep trying to sophisticate their palates, simply because I enjoy the cooking, not because I care if they like it or not!
And in case you were wondering about the Jezebel Sauce...
1 18 oz jar Apricot/Pineapple Jam
This makes a big batch and it keeps in the fridge for quite awhile. Save your jelly jars and store what you don't use in them.
This sounds strange, I know. Try it, and I promise you people will love it. They will bug you all night about that ingredient they just can't put their finger's the horseradish. Tell them, or not, it's your recipe now!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Starting Fresh
I am a lucky girl to be working with the people that I get to work with everyday. I have an unbelievable team, a boss that respects our differences (encourages them), a beautiful building to work in I can tell you that I have worked in different schools in "better parts" of town and I would get a knot in my stomach just walking in the door. It just wasn't a place that I felt connected to at all. I got out of there the first chance I could and haven't looked back. Lots of folks think I am crazy, as they live in that "better part" of town and they know the area that I moved to. They just can't imagine why in the world I would want to do that. I will tell you why. The people that you spend day in and day out with can really make or break your day. If you are in an oppressive place, you can become part of the problem yourself. When I walk into my building you can just "feel" it's a happy place. People genuinely want to be there. We enjoy each other, even spending time together outside of work or simply sharing our personal lives with each other.
I guess I am at a point in my life that a new school year isn't going to send me over the edge because I have to leave my babies and go to work. Heck, they have left me home alone all summer! They have much better things to do than to hang with mom...unless of course they want something. It's a time of getting back to a schedule, which believe it or not is usually a welcome change. It's a time of reconnection with friends at work. It's new crayons, freshly sharpened pencils (with brand new erasers!), notebooks that have yet to be written in. It's funny that all of those things never get old to me.
Don't misunderstand me here, I will be grouchy, tired and stressed out. It only lasts long enough to adjust to the change.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Now these are cute...
Well I have had it about a month now and have stamped random things CAUSE I CAN, but nothing really useful. The stamp looks really cute on the seal of an envelope and it makes me happy when I use it so, look for it if you get mail from me. But then I had a, I didn't eat the worm out of a tequila bottle...this was a creative vision. And if you know me at all, I would be more likely to actually eat the worm, than be creative in a crafty kind of way. I didn't inherit that crafty gene from my mother. I inherited the impatience gene from my father instead. What that means is that I have enough of her in me to think of really cute stuff that would probably make me rich, but more of him in me that won't allow to actually execute my plan because I end up tearing the thing up because I am mad that it isn't easy to do. UNTIL YESTERDAY, I had a vision, I bought the stuff and I made those cute note cards.

You really do have to see it for yourself!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Final Countdown
Dad came over this morning and I made Hallie's favorite breakfast; Pancakes! Since we had a visitor, we also made turkey sausage and eggs. Have you ever had turkey sausage? I have used it to cook with several times, but never in place of regular sausage. It was just ok, I don't think I will be making it into those sausage patty things again. It was too white to fake you into thinking you were eating sausage. At least it was nice and lean and since dad liked it, he got to eat all of it he wanted and not clog up his arteries. After he left, the dogs enjoyed the leftovers.
Oh yeah...another thing that I have to look forward to when we get home from our vacay is that I have to get 2 fillings. I went YEARS without ever having any problems with my teeth. Now it seems like every other time I go to the dentist, I have to get something done. Is this what happens when you get old? I guess this goes to why I hate going to the dentist now. I mean, I never used to mind it. I didn't get why people were such haters of going to the dentist. Well, now I totally get it. Mind you, my dentist is great. She has massage pads in her chairs (they even heat up so during the winter that's nice), she has a big massage chair in the waiting room too. I guess that is to relax you before you even get in there. Another awesome thing is that you can get a PEDICURE while you get your teeth cleaned. Is that the best???? I am very ticklish, so they have to go easy on my pedi so I won't be thrashing around the chair. I think this is a genious idea, cause while I may feel like skipping my dentist appointment, you can be sure that this girl isn't going to miss out on a free pedi!
Off to pack. Bonus is that I got my new laptop and I will be taking it with us to the beach. I bet you are counting the minutes for pics!
Talk soon!