Monday, August 15, 2011

Veg Out

My 16 year old daughter has expressed interest in the vegetarian lifestyle.  In the past, I would have tried to discourage her because it isn't how the rest of our family eats, and I frankly didn't know much about it.  Thanks to the blogosphere, I have been reading lots of good vegetarian blogs and have even made recipes from them.  Even though we do eat meat and will continue to do so, I don't think it hurts to have a few meatless meals per week.  I ordered Living Vegetarian for Dummies along with the new Peas and Thank You cookbook.  I was introduced to the Peas and Thank You blog very recently and just totally fell in love with it.  This was even before the daughter decided to go veg.  I have already made a few of the recipes from the book, and I have ingredients bought for others I've flagged.  This is the perfect book for beginners of the vegetarian lifestyle because the food is YUMMY! I have made some substitutions for a few of the ingredients because "Mama Pea" is vegan and that's not the route we are going over here.  I'm just using regular cheeses and milk where she would use alternatives, but the recipes are really easy to make and taste great.  I would love to hear from any of you who eat vegetarian, shout out your best tips or favorite resources. 

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