Monday, August 22, 2011

Teacher Week

I'm joining in on Teacher Week over at Blog Hoppin' this week. Today is "Meet the Teacher" day. I just had my real Meet the Teacher last week so a virtual one sounds fun! I am National Board Certified and have been teaching for 17 years. I teach a 2nd/3rd grade loop at a Title I Community School in Oklahoma. Today is my first day of school and I expect it to go fairly smoothly since I am teaching 3rd grade this year. One of the benefits of looping is that the majority of my class was with me last year for 2nd grade. The kids know the classroom expectations and procedures, cutting down on a lot of the beginning of school "housekeeping" stuff that goes on those first weeks. I teach with a really fun team and that sure does help! It's more fun to go to work when you genuinely enjoy the people you work with. I am looking forward to reading all the posts about going back to school! I'm most excited about the classroom tours, it's so fun to see classrooms all over the place and steal borrow ideas from each other.

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