Thursday, September 8, 2011

There Was an Old Lady...

Oh my goodness y'all, do I feel old!  It was all I could muster over the long weekend to somewhat ready myself to vlog, and I am just in the bloggy dumps I guess.  I think it gets harder every year for me to get back into the swing of things when school starts.  The cherry on top of this year is that school starts an hour earlier.  If you  know me at all, you know this is Terrible (yes, with a capital T)news.  The up side is supposed to be that we get out earlier.  When my kids were younger and we had lots of running around to lessons and things to do after school this would be great.  Fast forward to right now when both my kids drive and are really not dependent on my schedule at all.  I basically want to eat dinner at 4:00 so I can get to bed in time to not be dead dog tired the next morning.  Since my parents retired they eat dinner at around 4:00, maybe I should have them set me a place at their table. I feel like I go to work, make dinner, then go to bed all to start it over the next day.  I have turned down lots of invites to do fun stuff through the week and have even cancelled plans that were already made because I'm tired.  What gives?  I'm not THAT old.  What's a girl to do?!  Suggestions to get me out of this old lady slump are welcome. 

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh, Gretchen, I feel the same way. It's so hard to adapt to this new schedule. It's been a month, and I still feel tired!