Me: Hello
Mom: What are you doing?
Me: Cooking dinner, getting ready to take Hallie to tumbling.
Mom: Ok, well I am going to take Drew to get his ears pierced ok?
Me: No, that's not ok.
Mom: Why?
Me: Because I said no and he doesn't need his ears pierced.
Mom: I know he doesn't need it done but he wants it done. I am going to take him.
Me: No you are not, I am his mother and I said NO.
Mom: I am YOUR mother and I said YES.
Me: That is going a little far, if you take him I am going to be really pissed.
Mom: Well, give me a good reason not to take him.
Me: I said no.
Mom: That's not a good reason. You think of one and call me back.
Me: Ok mom, I have to go now but DO NOT take him to get his ears pierced.
Mom: Ok, bye.
In walks Drew and says "did you talk to Nana". I said, yes and the answer is NO.

Needless to say...I changed my mind.