Monday, February 13, 2012

Boys, Boys, Boys

Let me preface this by saying, I've never been that girl.  The one with a perpetual crush on the "flavor of the month" it boy. Until recently. I guess I'm just a late bloomer.

Adam Levine; the smirk, that voice, those tattoos...
Blake Shelton, bonus that you can get 2 for 1 if you watch the Voice.  Adam and Blake are both so funny on that show, I love their bantering back and forth.
Channing Tatum, he's new to the list since seeing The Vow.  This may be a fleeting thing, because he's really never caught my eye before.  Too beefcake for me, but the movie is so sweet! 
Ryan Gosling. The Notebook.  That is all.
And rounding out my Top 5 is this dude...
I saved the very best for last. 
I am so lucky to spend every day of my life with my real life crush.  We should all be so lucky.

1 comment:

Amy Smith said...

I like that Blake Shelton!!!